Aims and Objectives
Due to the increased globalization, Magars have migrated to various countries exploiting their knowledge and skills and migrating to the United Kingdom is no exception.
With many Magars living in various parts of the UK in early 2002, the first Magar Association was formed titled “Langhali Pariwar”. This was retitled “United Kingdom Magar Association (UKMA) and eventually the Magar Association United Kingdom (MA UK) with limited aim and objectives. Following the Home Office announcement regarding the immigration law for ex-servicemen and Magars migrating from Hong Kong rapidly increased the Magar footprint in the UK. With increased population of Magar in the UK, aim and objectives of Association was widened to bring all Magars together to integrate into the wider society by preserving and developing Magar culture, heritage, tradition and identity and Magar values.
Magar Association UK is established as a non-profitable social organisation in the UK. The objectives of the Association are:
To preserve Magar culture, language, the scripture, and its history research and identity by bringing all Magars residing in the UK into one platform of MAUK
To promote unity amongst Magars.
To promote close relationship with other communities.
To promote and develop Magars’ culture, tradition and welfare socially and economically.
The Association shall be non-political, non-religious (secular) and non-profit making organisation.
Welfare - The Association recognise the importance and take pride in assisting with welfare issues of a Magar both locally, nationally and globally and shall make every effort to address them, within its capability, through charitable activities ranging from fund/donations raised or to provide financial assistance to an ailing Magar, depending upon severity of medical condition of individual, through a volunteer donations from its member or member of Branches.