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Magar Association UK's 8th NGA

Notice on the Magar Association UK’s “8th National Grand Assembly” and Central Committee Election

All Magars are hereby informed that as per the letter of the MAUK Central Committee dated 9th January 2025, the MAUK “8th Grand Assembly” will be held as below:

Date: 5 April 2025

Venue: Empire Hall, Aldershot, GU11 1DJ

In accordance with ‘the MAUK Constitution 2002’, the Assembly will be held in two phases.


During the first phase, the Assembly will receive reports of the Central Committee and branch committees, discuss and decide on the future activities of the Association. The second phase of the Assembly will see forming new Central Committee for the period of April 2025 – April 2028. So all Magars are cordially invited to attend this important Grand Assembly.

Detailed information regarding the election will be published on this page shortly.

Thank you.

Date: 15 January 2025

- Election Committee, 8th National Grand Asembly

Chief Election Commissioner: Dr Prembahadur Ale Magar

Election Committee Secretary: Mrs Jamuna Garbuja Pun Magar

Election Committee Member: Mrs Hema Rana Magar

Election Committee Member: Mr Bijaya Thapa Magar

Election Committee Member: Mr Hikmat Singh Roka Magar


​**Please click the pdf icon to view the notice issued by the Election Committee, 8th National Grand Assembly.

Election Committee, 8th National Grand Asembly

Dr Prem Ale PhD.jpeg

Dr Prembahadur Ale Magar PhD

Chief Election Commissioner

Trustee Jamuna Pun_edited.jpg

Mrs Jamuna Garbuja Pun Magar

Election Committee Secretary

Trustee Hema Rana_edited.jpg

Mrs Hema Rana Magar

Election Committee Member

Bijay Thapa Magar_edited.jpg

Mr Bijaya Thapa Magar

Election Committee Member

Hikmat Sing Roka Magar_edited.jpg

Mr Hikmat Singh Roka Magar

Election Committee Member

​Code of Conduct and Timetable for the Election of 8th Executive Committee of the MAUK

It is reminded that the 8th MAUK Executive Committee will be formed after the conclusion of the 2nd phase of the 8th National Assembly to be held at Empire Hall, Aldershot, GU11 1DJ on 5th April 2025. To carry out this task, a 5-member Election Commission has already been appointed by the MAUK in accordance with the MAUK Constitution 2002 (Amdt 2022).


As per the Constitution, all eligible Magars are hereby invited to apply for the following MAUK positions:

Position   |  Number


President -1

Senior Vice President (SVP) -1

Vice Presidents (VP) - 2 (1x Female preferred)

General Secretary (GS) -1

Treasurer -1

Secretary -1

Assistant Treasurer -1

Members -13


Rights, Power and Duties of Election Commission


1. In accordance with the Constitution, the Election Commission is given the full mandate to carry out all tasks required to form a new Executive Committee of the MAUK.


2. The Election Commission will form a new Executive Committee with free and fair manner and without any prejudice, in accordance with the Constitution and spirit of the universal principles.


3. The Election Commission will have the rights to set the Code of Conducts and Timetable in the spirit of the Constitution, and to revise them as and when required.


4. In the event of dispute and ambiguity in relation to the election, decision taken by the Election Commission will be final.


5. The term of the Election Commission will end once the new committee has been fully formed after the constitutional oath taking ceremony.


Eligibility for Vote


1. In accordance with the Constitution, the following are eligible to vote:


a. Patron (if Magar) – husband and wife.

b. Housing Trustee – husband and wife.

c. Life member – husband and wife if both are life members. A single Life Member will be entitled for a single vote. Note: Life membership must be taken 6 months prior to the National Grand Assembly (or election date).

d. Seven representatives from each branch.


2. Vote must be cast personally within the stipulated time. No proxy vote will be accepted for any purpose.


Eligibility for the Candidacy


In accordance with the Constitution, Candidates will have the following eligibility criteria:


1. Candidates for the post of President, SVP, VP, GS, Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer must be a Trustee (including House Trustee) or a Life Long Member.


2. Seven representatives nominated by the branches, may stand as a candidate for the above-mentioned positions. However, those candidates who are not a Trustee or Life Long Member already, will be required to do so within 6 months from the date of selection/election.


3. Candidates must be of sound character and must be as described in Chapter 3 of the Constitution.


4. Candidates for the President and General Secretary must not hold similar posts in other organisations. If they, having been selected/elected, are found to be holding similar posts in other organisations, their posts in the MAUK will be automatically void.


Process for Candidacy and Code of Conduct for Candidates


1. Candidates must complete “Candidacy Registration Form” that needs to be signed by a Proposer and a Supporter.


2. All candidates must deposit “Candidacy Fee” in the MAUK’s bank account: Magar Association UK, Account Number: 02734002, Sort Code: 30-93-32. Fee for each position is as follows:


For President - £500.00

For Senior Vice President - £300.00

For Vice President -£200.00

For General Secretary - £150.00

For Treasurer - £100.00

For Secretary - £100.00

For Assistant Secretary - £100.00

For Member - £50.00


3. Candidates must attach a copy of proof of the “Candidacy Fee” payment to the Candidacy Form and send/email them to the Election Commission. Without the proof of fee payment, candidacy will not be registered.


4. Candidates are forbidden to promote their candidacy as a group or by forming a panel.


5. Candidates are forbidden to insult or intimidate others, create and use inappropriate promotional materials, promote or influence others by giving false information, and promote pictorial propaganda on any social media platform or via any public broadcast media.


6. The Election Commission has the rights to cancel candidacy of those who are found to have not met the eligibility criteria set in the Constitution. In so doing, no refund of the Candidacy Fee will be made.


7. The Election Commission may cancel the candidacy of those found to have violated the Code of Conduct.


Election Timetable


1. Below is the timetable in preparation, and holding if required, of the election for the new Executive Committee:

Serial  |  Programme  |  Date and Time  |  Venue 

  1. Publication of Voters’ List | 05-Mar-25 | MAUK website

  2. Claims/Objection on the Voters’ List | 5-12 March 2025 until 1200 hrs |  Email or Postal Address

  3. Final Publication of Voters’ List |  13-Mar-25  |  MAUK website

  4. Registration of Candidacy |  13-20 March 2025 until 1200 hrs |  Email or Postal Address (Completed ‘Candidacy Registration Form’ and proof of ‘Candidacy Fee’ payment to be attached)

  5. First Publication of Candidates’ List  |  21 March 2025 until1700 hrs  |  MAUK website

  6. Claims/Objection on Candidates’ List and Name Withdrawl  |  22-28 March 2025 until 1200 hrs  |  Email or Postal Address

  7. Final Publication of Candidates’ List  |  29-Mar-25  |  MAUK website

  8. Voting (2nd Phase of the NGA)   |  5 April 2025 (TimeTBC)  |  Empire Hall, Aldershot, GU11 1DJ

  9. Vote Counting, Result Announcement, Certificate Distribution and Oath-Taking Programme  |  05-Apr-25  |  Empire Hall, Aldershot, GU11 1DJ

2. All information regarding the election will be published at the MAUK website:

3. All completed “Candidacy Registration Form” and any claims/objections regarding the Voters’/Candidates’ Lists must be submitted, in writing along with the proofs within the given timelines, to the following address:




Postal Address: Secretary, Election Commission 2025, Copthorn, Sandy Lane, Curridge, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG18 9DG


4. Any queries regarding the election can be obtained by contacting a member of the Election Commission on the phone number given below.

Date: 7 February 2025 

Election Commission, 8th National Grand Assembly

Chief Election Commissioner: Dr. Prem B. Ale Magar – 0755 196 2122

Member Secretary: Mrs Jamuna Garbuja Pun Magar - 0784 618 1645

Member: Mrs Hema Rana Magar – 0788 687 8100

Member: Mr Bijay Thapa Magar – 0784 640 7673

Member: Mr Hikmat Sing Roka Magar – 0773 732 2834

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